6 Food Items Might Help To Keep You Warm In The Winter

6 Food Items Might Help To Keep You Warm In The Winter

The winter season has arrived, and while weall welcome the cool wind after months of scorching heat, it is critical toadjust to the cold weather's demands and stay warm.

Your metabolism slows down as the temperature drops in order to conserve energy and keep your body warm. This makes you lazy in winters so you should keep in mind what you are eating. Here is a list of food items that should be added in your list to keep you warm.

Mustard or Sarson

Mustard oil, mustard seeds, and fresh mustard leaves (often referred to as sarson) are all known to be spicy in nature. When taken, they generate a lot of heat in the body due to their warming qualities. Sarsonka Tel is also commonly used to massage the feet during the cold winter months to keep them warm.


Onions have been used as a 'Chi' or 'Energizing Tonic' in traditional Chinese medicine to stimulate sweat and keep the body warm in chilly conditions. Your body can be kept warm by directing its energy to the skin's surface. Blend them together to make a delectable French onion soup with grated cheese and fried croutons.

Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are excellent in warming the body, which is why they are frequently used in Indian halwas and chikkis throughout the winter months. Calcium and iron are also abundant in the small seeds. To get the most out of it, soak the sesame seeds overnight and eat them in the morning. You can also create little sesame seed and jaggery balls and eat one each day to stay warm and energised. Sesame seed oil is extremely beneficial and can be used in the kitchen.

Desi Ghee

Cooking, as well as providing much-needed warmth. Ghee is an all-natural therapy for balancing the body's heat element (pitta). It promotes digestion, avoids constipation, and aids in toxin elimination. It not only keeps you warm, but it also boosts your immune system and protects you from colds and flu. A sore throat can be soothed and treated by eating onions sauteed in desi ghee.

Shalgam (Turnip)

You'll get the energy you need while stillstaying warm. Veggies that are produced underground are known as rootvegetables. They can warm the body because their digestion is slower, resultingin increased heat production. Make a nice stew with them for dinner, or tossthem in a salad with lush greens.


Amaranth and bajra are two grains that will keep you warm. You can make a warm amaranth cereal with winter berries and honey, or eat it instead of rice for lunch. Millets like bajra and ragi are also proven to keep you energised throughout the dreary winter days. They are high-energy foods that are largely made up of starch, which takes a long time to digest and produces energy over time.