5 Herbs Which You Can Easily Grow At Home

5 Herbs Which You Can Easily Grow At Home

Gardening brings people together, providesa good workout, and provides you with fresh produce in season. A distinct formof gratification comes from seeing a seed grow into a plant as a result of yourefforts.

You don't need to go to the grocery store or farmers market because a home garden offers you with ready access to fresh vegetables. Depending on the vegetables you grow, you may even save money on the food itself. Growing vegetables at home can be costly in terms of seeds and resources such as fertilizer, but you can usually save money by doing so because a single plant can yield a large amount of goods.



Cilantro is a useful kitchen herb that may be grown in the ground or in containers. Because seeds can take weeks to germinate and plants are short-lived, sow a few seeds every few weeks to ensure a steady supply. When pressured, it might 'bolt,' meaning it produces flowers and seeds instead of edible leaves. For optimal results, keep it well watered and harvest it on a regular basis.



Oregano is a prolific grower in the garden, and putting it in a pot is a simple and attractive method to keep track of its progress. The flavorful tiny leaves are ideal for topping pizzas and other Italian recipes. Oregano plants prefer light soils and flourish in warm, sunny locations. Sow the seeds in the spring once the soil has warmed up, or start them indoors in containers. Pinch out the vertical growing tips when the plants reach 10 cm in height to encourage more leafy side shoots.



Thyme is one of the greatest herbs for container gardening since it requires little maintenance, is drought tolerant, and can tolerate neglect. It also looks great when planted near the front of a container, where the small leaves can cascade over the edge. Give it plenty of sun and don't over water it; it's drought-tolerant and enjoys dry soil.



Basil is a popular summer herb that grows well in pots, containers, and window boxes. Many gardeners struggle to grow beautiful basil, but if you provide it with well-drained soil and enough of sunlight, it will typically thrive. Basil, like most herbs, responds well to frequent picking and will continue to produce new growth even if the plant is pruned down. Pinch off any flower buds that emerge as well. When basil begins to flower, the flavor of the leaves begins to fade.



Mint may be grown from seed, however the results are typically inconsistent with the parent plant. Instead, get new mint plants from a local nursery. Mint spreads easily, so plant it in a pot to keep the roots contained. Keep it in a sunny or somewhat shady location. To encourage additional leaf growth, pluck any blossom buds.