Top 4 Symptoms of High Cholesterol Problems

Top 4 Symptoms of High Cholesterol Problems

High cholesterol can be passed down the generations, but it's more typically the result of poorlifestyle choices, making it avoidable and treatable. 

Cholesterol is linked to proteins and transported through the bloodstream. A lipoprotein is a mixture of proteins and cholesterol. Depending on what the lipoprotein transports, there are several forms of cholesterol.High cholesterol can be reduced by a nutritious diet, frequent exercise, and, in some cases, medication.

Here are some symptoms of high cholesterol levels present in your legs

The most harmful aspect of cholesterol build-up is that it causes no symptoms until it reaches a severe level and begins to interfere with your regular activities. A frequent blood check-up is the only method to diagnose and prevent it. When cholesterol levels in the blood reach dangerously high levels, it begins to harm the Achilles tendon in your legs.


When the arteries in your legs get clogged, not enough oxygen-rich blood reaches your lower body. Your leg may feel heavy and fatigued as a result. Burning discomfort in the lower limbs is common in patients with elevated cholesterol levels. Discomfort is most noticeable when the person walks, even if it is only for a short distance. This pain can be felt in any part like thighs or calves. Even a small walk will cause the pain and make one disturbed.


Another common symptom of excessive cholesterol levels affecting the arteries of the lower limbs is severe leg cramps during sleeping. Cramping or spasms usually occur in the heel, forefoot, or toes. While sleeping, the condition deteriorates. Increasing the blood flow in this area will help by sitting on the chair or dangling the foot off the bed.


The color of toenails and skin might be affected by a decrease in blood flow. This is primarily due to a lack of sufficient feeding for the cells due to a reduction in the flow of blood transporting nutrients and oxygen. Growth of your toenail will stop, skin seems shiny and tight.


High cholesterol levels might cause your feet to look the same all year. Even in the heat, touching your feet will make them feel cold. It is a symptom of PAD. Do not ignore it; instead, consult your physician.