सरसों के तेल के 6 अद्भुत स्वास्थ्य लाभ

6 Amazing Health Benefits Of Mustard Oil

The mustard oil is not only used to make regional specialties, but it is also known for its astonishing health advantages, which include boosting immunity, healing colds, nourishing skin, and, most importantly, increasing hair growth.

It is considered to have particular characteristics that aid in the reduction of hair problems and so maintain your locks healthy. In an Indian cuisine, mustard oil, also known as sarson ka tel, plays a vital function. Here are some hair benefits of mustard oil.


Mustard oil contains alpha fatty acids, which are known to maintain hair moisturized and alive, as well as acting as a great conditioner for our hair. We all know that hair that is healthy and nourished grows quicker. You don’t need to use any chemical based conditioner after this.

Hair Nourisher 

A lot of individuals nowadays complain about hair loss and thinning. This could be due to the weakening and damage of our hair follicles. There could be a variety of reasons for this, including pollution, stress, and a lack of critical nutrients, among others. But don't be concerned! Mustard oil is here to save the day. Not only would a mustard oil massage nourish your hair follicles, but it will also strengthen your hair.

Abundant minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants 

Mustard oil is high in antioxidants, minerals like iron, calcium, and magnesium, as well as vitamins A, D, E, and K, which are all beneficial to hair development. In addition, mustard oil is high in zinc, beta-carotene, and selenium, all of which are proven to support healthy hair development.

Blood Circulation is Boosted

Massage your hair with mustard oil on a regular basis if you have dull, lifeless hair. This can improve blood circulation in your scalp, which will help prevent hair loss. One of the most effective methods to use mustard oil is to warm it slightly and massage it into your hair and scalp.

Encourages hair growth

Mustard oil has a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, which are one of the most significant elements for hair growth. It increases the rate of hair growth.

It's anti-fungal and anti-bacterial.

Mustard oil's high serum uric acid and ALA concentration are known to naturally kill fungus, which is the core cause of dandruff and dry itchy flakes. This fungus can accumulate over time and obstruct hair follicles, resulting in thinning hair and increased hair loss.