From Hotel Brij Raj Bhavan To Morgan House Tourist Lodge, These 4 Most Haunted Hotels Of India

These 4 Most Haunted Hotels Of India

India, which is home to some of the mostmysterious folklore, has a number of well-known luxury hotels that have been rumoredto be haunted by the dead. You should know these haunted hotels and theirstories. Here is a list of such hotels

Hotel Brij Raj Bhavan, Kota

Hotel Brij Raj Bhavan in Kota, one of Rajasthan's most exquisite heritage hotels, is 178 years old and was once home to a royal family of Rajasthan. The property was converted into a hotel in the year 1980. Major Burton, a British official who remained here with his family for 13 years before being killed by Indian sepoys during the rebellion of 1857, is said to haunt this establishment. According to sighting claims from this location, the ghost of Major Burton has been seen roaming around the hotel corridors.

Hotel Raj Kiran, Lonavala

Despite not being one of the country's most opulent or expensive hotels, Lonavala's Hotel Raj Kiran has earned a spot on the list of the country's most haunted establishments. The hauntings have been reported from a room in a corner behind the hotel's reception, according to visitors' accounts. Guests who stayed in this room reported that the creature living there yanked the bed covers off them while they were sleeping. Some guests have also claimed seeing a ray of blue light in the middle of the night when they awoke. The hotel's administration has decided to no longer rent out the room to guests.

Hotel Fern Hill, Ooty

Hotel Fern Hill, a heritage hotel in Ooty, was built in 1844 and is noted for its exquisite classic British architecture. But there's one additional element about this hotel that has made it renowned. During the filming of the Bollywood horror film Raaz, Saroj Khan and her crew were sleeping in this hotel when they heard furniture being shifted on the floor above them and awoke in the middle of the night. She dialed the receptionist's number right away, but no one answered. The receptionist announced the next morning, much to everyone's surprise, that the hotel has no first floor at all.

Morgan House Tourist Lodge, Kalimpong

The Morgan House Tourist Lodge in Kalimpong is housed in a lovely old British house that serves as a fantastic tourist attraction in the hill town. The hotel was erected in the 1930s and once owned to George Morgan and his family, an Englishman. The family is thought to have stayed here before Lady Morgan's unfortunate death, according to locals, whose ghost now haunts the home. If the rumours are true, the lady's spirit wanders the hallways of this establishment. Many visitors have reported hearing someone walking through the hotel's wooden halls in high heels.