Ocean Quotes | समुद्र पर कोट्स Page: 1

Akansha Sharma
Shayari, Slogans, Jokes, Quotes & Funny Images
Latest Ocean Quotes

Anyone can hold the helm when

the Sea is Calm.

Akansha Sharma
Shayari, Slogans, Jokes, Quotes & Funny Images
Best Ocean Quotes

She would be half a planet away.

floating in a turquoise sea,

dancing by moonlight to

flamenco guitar.

Akansha Sharma
Shayari, Slogans, Jokes, Quotes & Funny Images
Best Ocean Quotes

Because there's nothing

More beautiful than the way the

ocean refuses to shop

kissing the shoreline,

no matter how may times

It's sent away.

Swati Saharan
Shayari, Slogans, Jokes, Quotes & Funny Images
Swati Saharan
Shayari, Slogans, Jokes, Quotes & Funny Images
Ocean Quotes समुन्द्र पर कोट्स

And like the sea. I'm constantly changing from calm to hell. 

Swati Saharan
Shayari, Slogans, Jokes, Quotes & Funny Images
Ocean Quotes समुन्द्र पर कोट्स

Whenever I m near beach I never feel alone, These waves are my best companions. 

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