Kindness Quotes | दया पर कोट्स Page: 1

Akansha Sharma
Shayari, Slogans, Jokes, Quotes & Funny Images
Kindness Quotes To Inspire Humanity

Kindness is a universal language.

Akansha Sharma
Shayari, Slogans, Jokes, Quotes & Funny Images
Inspirational Kindness Quotes

No act of kindness, no matter 

how small, is ever wasted. —

Akansha Sharma
Shayari, Slogans, Jokes, Quotes & Funny Images
20 Best Kindness Quotes

Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give.

Akansha Sharma
Shayari, Slogans, Jokes, Quotes & Funny Images
Kindness Quotes

“Be kind whenever possible.

 It is always possible.”

Akansha Sharma
Shayari, Slogans, Jokes, Quotes & Funny Images
Kindness Quotes

“You cannot do kindness too soon, 

for you never know how soon it will be too late.”