Generosity Quotes | उदारता पर कोट्स Page: 1

Akansha Sharma
Shayari, Slogans, Jokes, Quotes & Funny Images
Quotes about Generosity

“Generosity: We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” 

Akansha Sharma
Shayari, Slogans, Jokes, Quotes & Funny Images
Best Generosity Quotes
Akansha Sharma
Shayari, Slogans, Jokes, Quotes & Funny Images
Best Generosity Quotes ideas

Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity. -

Akansha Sharma
Shayari, Slogans, Jokes, Quotes & Funny Images
Generosity Quotes

You Do Not Have To Be 

Rich To Be 


Akansha Sharma
Shayari, Slogans, Jokes, Quotes & Funny Images
Generosity Quotes

The poor don't know that their

function in life is to exercise our generosity.

Akansha Sharma
Shayari, Slogans, Jokes, Quotes & Funny Images
Generosity Quotes

Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present.

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